About Us
The creation of MEOR Boston, came out of a deep concern for the future of the Jewish people and that impacting young adults at this age was crucial. With increasing assimilation, anti-Semitism and ignorance of our great Jewish legacy; wise, personal, relevant education is the essential need of our nation at this time.
Our unique, engaging and personalized programs are crafted to increase literacy, appreciation and pride in Judaism. College is the time that students are making their big lifestyle decisions, and relevant wisdom is the language with which to engage them. For sixteen years, MEOR Boston programs have enabled students in Boston to develop a powerful, positive Jewish identity.

Building Jewish identity and community in Boston.
Our Mission
MEOR Boston's mission is to create a vibrant jewish future led by a new generation that is:

Our Work
MEOR engages students from a range of Jewish backgrounds through encouraging exploration of Jewish texts and issues relevant to their lives while exposing them to Jewish life & community. Our programming includes:
Sophisticated study of Jewish values through a 10-session seminar, group classes and one-on-one learning.
Educational trips to Israel, Poland and other locations around the world, integrating travel with deep exploration of Jewish concepts and heritage.
Alumni programing for young professionals comprising weekly Jewish study opportunities, Shabbat and holiday celebrations, and study trips to varied locations.